Discover Your Inner Genius 

We're Always Missing Something

Welcome to Possibilities Thinking, where we unlock your creative and productive superpowers.

At the heart of this site there is a core idea. It's powerful, but also uncomfortable.

The insights, tools, and practices presented on Possibilities Thinking all centre around the fact that in any given moment, no matter how much we may feel like we've got things figured out, we're always missing something.

This is why we can be fooled by a magic trick, even when we're paying really close attention. We're always missing something. 

The world is more complex than our perceptions would have us believe, and remembering this complexity makes room for curiosity, creativity, and flourishing.

This is where possibilities begin.

Our Mission

We believe that everyone has the potential to achieve extraordinary things, and that we're all much more capable than we give ourselves credit for. Our mission is to help people unlock their hidden potential to create new possibilities.  

Our Approach

We believe in evidence-based practices and actionable advice. The insights, tools, and strategies that are collected in these pages have been gathered from a diverse array of sources: performance neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, education, and the arts. Every thing we share is to help you think differently so you can unleash new levels of creativity, productivity, and wellbeing. 

What We Offer

  • Blog and Resources: Explore a wealth of free ideas, insights, and practical tools designed to inspire and equip you for success.
  • Workshops and Training: Interactive sessions designed to boost your creativity, productivity, and innovation.
  • Speaking Engagements:  Provocative presentations that inspire and equip your audience with practical tools to achieve their goals.
  • Coaching and Consulting: Personalized guidance to help you navigate challenges, optimize your performance, and achieve lasting success.

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Ready to unlock your potential? Explore our resources, attend our events, and become part of a community dedicated to personal and professional growth.

Welcome to Possibilities Thinking. Let’s create something extraordinary together.

The Long Story of Possibilities Thinking 


For Brandon Love, the founder of Possibilities Thinking, magic is more than a performance art—it’s a metaphor for the human mind. “The reason magic works is that we’re always missing something,” he says. “Our perceptions are limited, and that’s where curiosity begins.” This simple insight has driven a lifetime of exploration for Love, who has transformed from a magician entertaining audiences to a coach helping people unlock their creative and productive potential.

Born with a fascination for the vastness of human genius, Love’s journey into the world of possibilities began early. As a child, he was captivated by the mysteries of science, art, and magic. By the time he performed his first magic show for family members, he discovered a revelation: even adults, who seemed to have life figured out, could be fooled. “When I realized that even grown-ups were missing something, I started to question what else might be possible,” he recalls. That curiosity would become the compass for a life of discovery and growth.

The concept of Possibilities Thinking emerged from Love’s unique experiences in performance, psychology, and the study of human potential. A defining moment came when his aspirations to enter medical school were cut short. Blindsided by rejection, he was forced to confront the limitations of his own perceptions. “I didn’t see it coming,” he admits. “I had put all my confidence in one outcome, and when it didn’t happen, it shattered me.” This setback, however, became fertile ground for new possibilities.

Instead of pursuing medicine, Love dove deeper into understanding how people think, act, and ultimately unlock their full potential. He traveled the world, encountering diverse perspectives that challenged his worldview and expanded his thinking. From studying psychology and performance neuroscience to practicing yoga and even martial arts, Love embraced a holistic approach to understanding human genius. Each discipline offered insights into not only how people perform at their best but also how they block themselves from reaching it.

Possibilities Thinking, the platform, was born from this mosaic of knowledge and experience. Initially conceived as a simple blog, it quickly evolved into a movement aimed at empowering individuals and organizations to navigate uncertainty, innovate, and build resilience. Through articles, videos, and interactive content, Love offers tools to help people discover their hidden potential and put it into practice. “I feel an obligation to share what I’ve learned,” he says. “We live in a world that’s changing faster than ever. People need strategies to navigate that uncertainty and still thrive.”

The philosophy behind Possibilities Thinking centers on embracing the complexity of the world and recognizing that no one ever has things fully figured out. “The future will be full of challenges—whether it’s dopamine-driven distractions or the rise of AI technologies that are changing the way we work and create,” Love explains. “But there are also infinite possibilities. My goal is to help people see that potential and give them the tools to reach it.”

Love’s vision for Possibilities Thinking is not limited to personal development; it’s a broader call for collective flourishing. He believes that by helping people unlock their potential, they will, in turn, help others do the same. “If we can create a ripple effect, where people learn to flourish sustainably and healthily, we’ll all benefit,” he says.

Through Possibilities Thinking, Love continues to share the practices that have shaped his life—whether it’s learning to focus on what you can control, cultivating curiosity, or building the confidence to take calculated risks. His message is clear: the path to unlocking human potential begins with recognizing that there’s always something more to discover.

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