We're Always Missing Something

Many people begin life with a belief in magic. 

I refused to grow out of that. 

From a young age I studied magic and magicians to learn what I could about how to bend reality to my whims. 

Magic taught me a great deal about how we think, about how much of our realities are self-constructed. 

The most powerful idea magic teaches us is that we're always missing something. 

Magic reminds us of the limits of our perceptions. 

It's so powerful because we forget our limits sometimes. We love to feel like we've got things figured out. 

And while being reminded of our limits might seem oppressive or limiting, for me it does just the opposite. It opens up a world of possibilities I haven't yet detected. 


The 3 Cs of Possibilities Thinking


This involves acknowledging the limits of our perceptions, our inability to know the whole truth. It allows contradictions and promotes continuums. It appreciates nuance and disproportionate impacts. 


This invites genuine interest and a sense of wonder. 


 Building from a sense of wonder, we begin to create. 



Most people start out this way.

We start with a belief in magic, with the idea that we can achieve anything we set our hearts and minds to. 

Possibilities Thinking is a return to that belief in magic. 

But it goes beyond hopes and dreams and wishes. Possibilities Thinking is about putting in the practices that produce the magic we hope to make. 

The ideas in these pages are meant to help people unlock their creative potential. When combined with honest effort, these practices will lead to:

Less Negative Self-talk

Greater Resilience

Defeat Imposter Syndrome

Circumvent the Fear of Failure

Create resources from seemingly nothing


Who is Brandon?


Possibilities Thinking is authored by Brandon Love. 

Brandon fell in love with magic and developed a keen sense of possibility from a young age. He fell in love with the human capacity for genius and has studied it in many forms for the past 30 years. 

From sleight of hand to psychological illusions, Brandon has learned how to help others navigate what seems impossible. 

From yoga and education Brandon has learned how to practice and help others practice. 

Performance Neuroscience Certified Coach





Director, writer, producer




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